Chris Upton: A Legacy in Locksmithing

From a young age, I was fascinated by how things worked. I’d spend hours taking apart anything I could get my hands on to see how it worked—only to bring it back to my father to help put it back together. That little bit of curiosity was the spark that led me down the path of locksmithing, following in the footsteps of my father and grandfather.

Locksmithing is in my blood, but it’s also a craft that requires relentless curiosity and a desire to master many skills. When you start locksmithing, you begin to become a master of all—a jack of all trades, if you will. Over the years, I’ve been incredibly fortunate to have the guidance of my father and grandfather and the mentorship of countless past co-workers. Their knowledge and support have been invaluable, and I am forever grateful for the wisdom they’ve shared with me. It’s their teachings, after all, that have helped shape the locksmith I am today.

With over 14 years of hands-on experience, I’ve seen it all—joyful reunions when someone’s safely let back into their home, heart-wrenching moments during evictions, and even dangerous situations that I still think about to this day. The unpredictable nature of this job is both thrilling and humbling. You never know who you’ll meet—whether it’s a local celebrity, a hardened criminal, or just an everyday person needing help.

My vision for LockLore Learning is to transform the way the locksmithing industry is viewed by sharing real-life experiences—real POV shots of everything locksmiths do that go beyond traditional training. I want to shine a light on the complexities and nuances of the trade, showing everyday people what we do best. I want to provide my valuable knowledge and fresh perspective of this profession in a brand-new locksmithing course. But for now, I need to show you who I am. I need you to trust me. Follow along and watch in amazement, or watch to learn.

Locksmithing isn’t just my job; it’s my legacy.